| eniar.solarbotics.net |

on the creation of an autonomous,
                                walking being
***eniar.solarbotics.net/about me

These pages are currently under construction, as is Eniar. Check back often for changes.

Eniar was named on his first trip into the great wide world. Before two hours were up, he was having troubles. He would seem fine, and then start shaking violently and uncontrollably back and forth. The pitiful thing was temporarily useless. Having found a plaxce to put him until I could get around to fixing him, I turned to a friend and told him I felt like I was putting a relative in an old folks home. The name then came to me: Poor, Poor, Uncle Eniar.
Later, I realized the name Uncle Eniar came from a wonderful short story by Ray Bradbury, Uncle Einar. I rearranged the letters in my mind that day, but I left them that way.
Of course, Eniar has changed much since that day. Unfortunately, I have not enough money to build many robots, so Eniar has to change into many different robots, keeping the same parts and the same name, despite the different form.

So look out behind you: Eniar could look like anything, and be anywhere -- He's got his sensors on YOU.